Origami lamps

Concept design, OrigamiStockholm2018 ->


I have always had an interest in creating things by hand with paper. It is mesmerizing how a flat sheet of paper can turn into a three-dimensional shape. That a couple of simple folds can turn into a complex pattern beyond one's first intuition.

When I was a kid I had a passion for folding paper planes. In the latter days, this passion has developed into folding origami, and I have decided to embodied my creations in the form of lamps. This is an ongoing project, that I continue to explore whenever I get a new idea or just feel like folding some paper.

My project with origami lamps started with this round semi-flat lamp. I was inspired by the big rice paper shades that can be found in every Swede's home. I started small but ended up folding this with 16 pieces of A4 printer paper. 

Later the same year I discovered a box-shaped pattern made out of a simple pattern that ends up in this complex shape of tightly packed boxes. And of course, I had to make a lamp out of it. 

The variations of lamps continue to grow...